Otakuhat’s Data

{November 28, 2008}   Junjo Romantica 2

Its out.. its subbed..and it has sparkles! Season 2 of Junjo Romantica was released on October 11, 2008 which was pretty good timing since Gundam 00 Season 2 came out the same month. This season starts off from Volume 5 from the manga series. I must say that the first episode totally got my hooked immediately from the opening. Pigstar has definately been working out some great songs from last season and now I’m searching around to find an mp3 . In this season the lovely Ryuiichiro has more spotlight! I’m guessing with such a success from the last season, this season was able to spend more money on making bishounen glitter since it was sparkling rainbow colors for 5 mins from the start. We get all three stories from last season (Junjo Romantica, Junjo Egoist, and Junjo Terriost) with the addition of a new story; Junjo Mistake! Junjo Mistake is Ryuiichiro’s story with his “caretaker” Asahina. I was hoping they get their story since Blu has been slowing down on the release date of Volume 8+. This season we get too see more action from the minor characters such as Misaki’s friend and Usagi’s brother! If you like the manga, like the first season, and love the art, then watch this anime! I can’t stop listening to the opening song and the new coloring and style is just so awesome! The subbers that are doing this Anime is of course… Aarinfantasy!! They also got the directors cut, Dvd, and uncut version of the first season so you can download those from them too!

Will you please act professional? Can you at least post the registration date front of the website instead of the forum? Can you acutally mail people the dates if they applied for your mailing list? Is it such a hard thing to do? Can you keep a good communication with other staffers so things can run smoothly? There is one thing that i personally hate some AA registrations and its basically the managers making you constantly watch the website like a hawk to get more visit counts. Seriously make a thread with better updates like Kawaiicon or Just tell us the fricken date 1 week prior in order for everybody to get a fair share.

Katsucon: You guys were awesome. Told us the date and told us when. The registration was easy and quick and no probelms what so ever.

Sakura-con: WTF is wrong with your mailing list? I confirmed my email for that damn list and I’m pretty sure Hotmail wouldn’t block your mail if I was able to get the confirmation list. How the hell was someone able to get the date on DA and not from a simple email? Too many people on the list? Fix it, its your job. Seriously… very poor timing and very poor organization.

MangaNext: Registration was not the probelm. Communication was the probelm. You need to work on that in order to have less chaos in the AA.

Three things every AA must have for registration.

1. Registration Info shown in front of website

2. Fair Timing for people to register

3. Good Communication with Artists and Staffs

If you don’t have all of these then you better step down as the manager of the AA and give it to someone who can handle it because that was complete bullshit Pandora…

From these two conventions…I can tell which was is better at AA Organizing.

{October 24, 2008}   Has the World Gone Mad?

Oh my god… when I read this article, that question just immediately popped into my head. But let me tell you a little backstory. I was discussing about how my physics lab was not matching to the exact answer. I was also downloading the new Junjo Romantica Season 2 episode from AarinFantasy that is now finished but I rather spread this article around. During the time of waiting for my anime, one of my good friends sent me this article. Crazy World Now naturally I read articles that has interesting titles and “Online Murder” got my attention. From what I have read, a woman who was in a virtual marriage..was divorced virtually…and then she deleted her virtual divorced character in the game..and got arrested for that. Now I’m starting to believe that mmorpgs are becoming some sort of alternate universe for the players as in like matrix universe. But to be arrested for deleting a character? A virtual persona of you in a role playing game that you can just recreate? I mean sure it took time to create your character but its not a part of you like .hack//sign where when you die you go into a coma or something. If this was truly a crime then why don’t they arrest people who delete other people’s saved games? With Fable II out, I believe more “online murder” will start to rise. If someone deletes your mmorpg character..you can just tell the administrator about it and they’ll handle it in some way…possibly. To arrest the person who deleted your character IRL…thats just pathetic. Soon mmorpg will have their way with human minds like in Hell Detective Nougami Neuro, a boy’s parents were so obsessed with mmorpging that when their son destroyed the game.. they killed themselves. I don’t know about you people but …I’ll fear what would happen to the WoW players if you can arrest people for such things. But yea.. a little something to make you think twice on how mmorpgs are fun…>.>
And it got on the front page of Yahoo news…..we definately are in a crazy world now.

{October 19, 2008}   What the Hat is Watching #1

Hmm so many shows to watch and yet so little time ._.”  I’m in a bit of a mix for dramas and animes lately.

Gundam00 Season 2

I gotta say this season is totally wicked but wayyyy too many cliff hangers. We see new characters and grown up old characters. A bit more emoness in this one but the plot is better than ever. Its setting is 4 years after the last episode of season 1. There is a new army called A-Laws that replaces the Federation army and they are your typical good guy to the public yet are evil people in the background. Plenty of shockers in this season too and its only been 2 episodes haha. They gave a uniform makeover and new gundam models too. The ending and opening songs has a nice touch the the plot and Uverworld’s song is currently on my playlist as a repeat OTL. So if you’re a fan of Gundam 00 first season, you would soo enjoy this season even though its a bit slower on the plot. I reccomend getting the subs from either shinsen or bbs personally because they’re translation is pretty good and they have a few little foot notes in the anime for people who don’t understand the complex plot. If you play the anime with VLC its gonna lag so I recommend media core player with storm codec.

Patalliro (both Saiyuki and 90’s)

Haha this slashable/shounen ai comedy is just too funny. I love the old version because its just soo corny and the characters are just lovable. There’s a character in there called “Bishounen Killer”, apparently boys would fall for him when he looks into their eyes. That part just made me laugh so hard in the first episode. The main character is Patalliro and in the old anime he is this prince who just gets into these crazy adventures. In Saiyuki he is portrayed as Son Goku which is perfect for him. Bancoran is the “Bishounen Killer” and has Naraku eyes (Inuyasha) which makes me laugh every time I see him OTL. “British MI6” ..lol sorry about the quotes but he’s just..god.. xD He is a serious character though for the old anime but for Saiyuki I haven’t watched him in the show yet. So far I have to say if you like Shounen Ai..you will laugh and love this anime because I currently am enjoying every single episode of it! We got Jigen’s ( Lupin III) shooting style for the 90’s anime and crazy monsters in the Saiyuki one. I must say that this is acutally better than Gravitation and many ways for some reason. I mean there isn’t much music but the plot is just funnier and insane. Adding a Kumagoro in this anime would probably make it even better xD So check it out if you can. Aarinfantasy is subbing both versions and you can get it from their site.

Total Drama Island

Normally reality shows are not my thing and I barely keep along with it but this show is just too good! Its  cartoon that is made by a CANADIAN production and I can’t stop watching it. The setting is a summer camp theme with stereotypical teenagers trying to win 100,000 dollars. They go through crazy challenges and have teenage flings through each episode and one character leaves after every episode. There is this one character that I totally loathe right now who somehow won’t get off the show. Its kinda irratating but i understand its probably to keep the audiences attention. I say its something worth to watch if you like cartoons and reality shows. I hope the juvie kid wins… (>.>)

Heroes Season 3

Oh Kring…what are you doing… I say Season 1 is still the best. This season is all about “Darkness is coming” since they were promoting the show like prostitutes at Fan Canada Expo. I only watch it because of Hiro personally… and Andou..<3 lol I’m sure other fans watch it because of a certain character. Well its like Kring said at Comicon.. its villains, villains, villains. I gotta say that some characters are just a bit whack right now…(coughSureshcough). New characters of course..with new powers. New secrets revealed and more crazy events with some old baddies coming back!! Yayyyy b(-.-)d I gotta say this constant future and present style is actually one of the things that I enjoy on this season for some reason. Now when I look at waffles.. I just laugh… yet feel a tinge of sadness. I guess if you don’t have any other shows to watch during that time or have some time on your hand….Heroes season 3 would be worth it. They haven’t killed it yet…I think… oh boy.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 5

With McDreamy and McSteamy still in this season, how can I not stop watching? This season has a bit more serious on the medical business term and of course..more love drama. We are given intense operations and interesting surgeries for the first few episodes and some new rules in the hospital. With water leaks and people’s face getting peeled, I can’t say that this season is worse than last season like Heroes (coughHorriblecough). No new characters have been introduced yet but we see some old ones which was a cute thing for the season. I recommend fans of this show to keep watching it because its definitely getting good after every episode.

Ugly Betty Season 3

Oh Willy…you’re so silly… lol. This season is definitely funnier than the last season yet has some emotional scenes that’s pretty good also.  Starts off from the last season and Betty coming back from her trip around the U.S. The Mead (sp?) family is in chaos and of course one of them going to jail seems to be a new style for them >.> Willy is going power hungry and Betty is handling the reality of the world for once. One thing that I don’t like about this season is LINDSAY LOHANNNNNNNN -barfs- I’m not a fan of her from Drama Queen or whatever movies she done.. and the fact that she is in this season is just…ugh.. -hits a pillow- hopefully she is temporary but I loved the other guest stars from the past episodes.

C.S.I:NY (the whole thing)

Oh mannnnnnnn.. I just found out about this show and I’m LOVING it lol. Lieutenant Dan/George… lol how did I not know you were in this show! -bangs head on comp-  Gary Sinise still looks the same after so many years..and his eyes are still sexy..@.@ lol I was a fan of the regular C.S.I with Hans and Grissom and until this year I have not watched any other CSI shows. Aw well.. what can I say about this show.. its like the other CSI’s but in NY… cases are still good and Gary is..well Gary..lol so yea.. this is just my thing.. you don’t have to check this out but..omg Sinise.. if ever meet him I swear I will hug him just for being awesome xD


 So these are the shows that I’m watching right now.. I’m rewatching Junjo Romantica but thats because I got the uncut version now. You can watch most of these online too if you want to. To find the anime torrents I reccomend using Baka Updates… but for direct download.. I’m sure googling around you’ll find them. Streaming these anime would probably be available somewhere too.

{October 13, 2008}   Sunday Blues

 Today is a sunday, for me sundays only mean two things. One is that its the day before school and homework crunch time. Another is the last day for a convention. This sunday marks the last day for two conventions that I wanted to go this year. Two conventions that I want to go but because of school I couldn’t. I swear education is the worse..OTL. The two conventions I’m talking about is AnimeUSA and Tokyo Game Show. Both are far away from me and both are opposite side of the world from each other. -sighs- How I wish was in one of them….First off!


  This convention is located in Arlington,Virgina! 4 hours away from me! yayyyy -gets shot- Its not one of the top ten biggest but its fairly popular. This year they had many guests that I wanted to meet/talk to. First off they have two music guests that I wanted to listen to, Versailles and Peelander-Z.

  Versailles is playing in NY this Columbus day…yet my school doesn’t give me a day off for some reason >.< So AUSA was my last chance to see them unless they go another convention next year. Versailles is a visual kei band that I wanted to meet for a while. They’re music is interesting and they’re my style. Peelander-Z is a band that I had heard of and they apparently like to go to many conventions. I tried to see their band play but I haven’t got the chance to yet :-T I guess I’ll see them eventually.

  Other guests I wanted to meet are the webcomic artists. They had Garth from Comedity, His roomie Brian from Geist Panik ( also creator of Hookie Dookie Panic), The Applegeek crew (Ananth had a birthday so I’m sure he got gifts xD), and the lovable Mookie from Dominic Deegan who’s new hairstyle makes him more metal (cough emo cough) -shot-  I met all of these guys from Otakon but I’d love to meet them again! Oh the cruelty of not being able to travel as a free person OTL. I could have gone actually… if I had a clone that could be me for three days for my mother… I mean.. I even tried to help one of my friend GET there! I think I could have made it D:  Well… I definately know I couldn’t make it to my other con.. but if I had a chance… I would take it in a heartbeat! +_+. 


Tokyo Game Show:

World’s largest gaming convention that is located…of course…Tokyo! Which is on the other side of the word for me! (Oh why can’t we have teleportation powers) Its also 1 of the 7 gaming conventions you must go before you die (adds to the list) Oh how this convention seduced me so… this year was definitely a desire to go because of Capcom’s 25th anniversary and their booths are a must be there.

   Capcom is creating 2 games that I’m currently targeting. One of is Gyakuten Kenji from their Gyakuten Saiban series. This is the first walkable character game in the GS series. You play as Edgeworth, the prosecutor from the first 3 GS series with the lovable Gumshoe and a new chara named Mikumo who’s part of the game is unknown. Another game they’re coming out is Monster Hunter 3, one of the most popular mmorpg games in Japan.

   Their booths at TGS were epically beautiful and the new swags they have created are something a fan would probably buy when they can. The Gyakuten Kenji booth is a replica of Edgeworth’s office and the Monster Hunter 3’s booth is a replica of the fishing mini game. Its a convention that’s for both Industry and Gamers so E3 can’t beat it with its current ways. 2 days for Industry and 2 days for gamers… and the fair amount of free swags and beta testing!  Someday.. I will go to one or have someone there get me stuff… lol I mean.. just for being there you get Gyakuten Saiban HAND TOWELS D:

   lol  So today is the last day for both conventions.. and for me to know that I wasn’t there because education always had to have its way. So cheers to you people who went to either one of them! And damn my friends for even going to one of them..-_-* Now onward to sexy pictures!

Capcom's Glory

Daletto joined with Capcom to make this cute little diorama 😀 Isn't it epic? Its totally epic...

 Its totally epic… Monster Hunter 3 booth is the one with the fishing style 😀

Edgey poo's office/capcom booth

Edgey poo's office ..its ❤

 KAWAIIIIIIIII…I want one of thse staff shirts! D:<
I don’t have any for AUSA08 but by tomorrow I’m sure they’re going to be everywhere…OTL

{February 7, 2008}   Introductions!

Wow… I did not know I had a word press blog.. lol Hmm and intro for people to read! I’m OtakuHat and I’m basically going to write articles about conventions and random geek stuff. Maybe post a comic here or there… yepp. The name is derived from my convention hat. Its a Hat that contains pins that represent a certain hobby. One side has Anime/Manga another is Gaming and another is American Comics.  And on top of it will usually be a CoCo Kitty Plushie from Gaia Online 😀 I’ll probably change plushies from time to time. So thats my intro to you world… BlogSpot was not nice to me for some reason OTL

et cetera